Family Visas

Residence Visas

Partnership Residence Visa

A partner who is living together in a genuine and stable relationship with a New Zealand resident or citizen for at least 12 months, may be eligible to apply for a Partnership Residence Visa. The burden of proof rely on the visa applicant. Every couple’s situation is different and there is no one set rules for partnership documents. The applicant must satisfy Immigration New Zealand with solid evidence to meet the 12 months living together requirement otherwise application will be declined.

Dependent Child Residence Visa

Dependent children are eligible for residence visas if their supporting parents are New Zealand residents and permanently residing in New Zealand. Dependent children must be substantially reliant on their parents. There is an age restriction for dependent children as they lose their eligibility once they become 25 years old. This policy may appear to be straightforward however there are lots of other factors which may trigger Immigration New Zealand to decline the application.

Parent Residence Visa

The New Zealand government has suspended this policy . On numerous occasions, the government said that they would re-open this policy so that skilled migrants’ parents can come to reside in New Zealand. Eligibility of Parent Category Residence Visa is depending on the supporting child’s income in New Zealand. In Labour government’s 2020 election manifestos it was mentioned that if Labour won the election they would adjust the NZ sponsor child’s income threshold to make it more reasonable.

Parent Retirement Residence Visa

With the ongoing suspension of Parent Category Residence Visa, the only viable pathway for parents to obtain residency is through Parent Retirement Residence Visa. This policy requires the parents to demonstrate:

  • NZD $1 million lawfully earned investment funds to invest in New Zealand for 4 years
  • NZD $500,000 settlement funds (not required to send to New Zealand)
  • Regular annual income of NZD $60,000
  • Good character and good health
  • Sponsorship from an adult child who is New Zealand resident/citizen

Temporary Visas

Partnership Visitor Visa or Work Visa

New Zealand government understands the importance of family union and there are policies allowing partners (of either NZer or Non-NZer) to obtain temporary visas. The underlying requirements for a Partnership Visitor Visa or Work Visa are the genuine and stable relationship between the visa applicant and the supporting partner. If you have not lived together with your supporting partner for a significant period of time, then Immigration New Zealand may not necessarily issue you the visa. Take professional advice if you are unsure whether you meet the requirements.

Dependent Child Visitor or Student Visa

Dependent children of workers and students may be eligible to apply for Dependent child visitor visa or student visa. Unlike Dependent Child Residence Visa, the age restriction for a dependent child visitor visa or student visa is 19 years old. There are also other requiremnets, such as worker parent’s income, to be met before an issue can be issued.

Parent and Grandparent Visitor Visa

The Parent & Grandparent Multiple Entry Visitor Visa is designed for New Zealanders to connect with their family overseas. This visa requires a sponsor who is a New Zealand resident or citizen to provide support and accommodation guarantee to the visitor. There are also health and character check requirements. Once approved, this visa allows the New Zealanders’ parent or grandparent to visit New Zealand unlimited times within 3 years. For each visit, the visa holder can stay for no more than six months, they can stay for a maximum of up to 18 months within the 3 years.